We understand how important it is to regain your confidence after a traumatic experience. Whether you're left with a skin irregularity from an accident, from growing, from acne, from medical or cosmetic procedures - we are experts in micropigmentation to help you heal.
Paramedical Tattoo Academy Certified tattoo artists offer compassionate and confidential skin camouflage services so you can feel confident in your skin.
We’re proud to be one of the few tattoo artists in Michigan that accepts insurance for medical tattooing. To check your coverage, submit your insurance information through Medical Tattooing Billing Services (MTBS). They’ll verify benefits, manage authorization, and handle the claim process.
To begin the insurance approval process, fill out the Medical Tattooing Billing Services (MTBS) Patient Information & HIPAA Authorization Form, click on this link: www.mtbs.ink/hipaa
¡Hola! Para comenzar el proceso de aprobación del seguro y completar el formulario de Información del Paciente y Autorización HIPAA de los Servicios de Facturación de Tatuaje Médico (MTBS), haz clic en este enlace: www.mtbs.ink/hipaa-es
The Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act (WHCRA) of 1998 requires most health insurance plans to cover ALL stages of breast recontruction.